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How Does the Free Trial Differ from the Purchased Product?

The free trial version is a fully functional installation of ComputerTime, with every feature, including all of the Add-Ons turned on.

The only limitation is that you get to use it for 14 days to try out all of the features. You can see how it works for your family. You can decide which features you will use or will not use, and that will help you to determine if you need the basic ComputerTime, or ComputerTime with some of the optional Add-Ons.

Note that there aren’t separate downloads for the trial or the purchased version. They are the same download. What makes the distinction is when you activate the software with a Product Key, which you will receive when you purchase the software. Entering the Product Key into the activation window tells ComputerTime that you have purchased it, and then you may use it indefinitely.

You can even try it on multiple computers at the same time (especially when you’re trying out the shared limits on your network). If you like the idea of shared limits across your network, be sure to get the Family Pack Add-On when you purchase the software so that you can activate it on all of your computers.

If you have to reformat a computer and reinstall ComputerTime, you’ll notice that it will think it is being loaded in trial mode, even though you have purchased it. No problem. You just have to reactivate it with your Product Key.

Just keep your Product Key in a safe place in case you need it later to re-activate it. If you’ve lost your product key, we can help you.

{ 5 comments… add one }
  • Martina January 3, 2014, 2:13 pm

    Hello, do you have also version for Android or do you plan to develop it.

    Thank for information.

  • Peter May 12, 2014, 4:36 am

    Same question as Martina!!

  • mark May 12, 2014, 8:16 am

    Currently we’re not working on any mobile devices versions of ComputerTime. Nor are we working on a OS X or Linux version.
    Those all sound like wonderful challenges, but not ones that we currently have the resources to tackle.

  • Paul March 9, 2016, 4:04 am

    I have two children and they work on two computers. Which type of license should I buy ?

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